Monday is Peter’s night to cook, so he used up all the vegetables in the fridge to make his “world-famous” (his words) Minestrone Soup! You can use whatever ratio of veggies you happen to have on hand, or use our list of ingredients below as a general guideline. The main key is to cook all the vegetables individually. That and add lots of tomatoes. Oh, and don’t forget to season and taste as you go along!
4 sticks of celery
4 carrots
Bunch of broccoli
A handful of green beans
1 can of white beans
1 onion
4 cloves of garlic
4 cups of chicken stock (to start)
1 can of tomato paste
3 blanched tomatoes
4 chopped and crushed tomatoes
2 cups of pasta
2 tablespoons of chopped parsley
2 tablespoons of chopped fresh oregano & 1 teaspoon dried oregano
Salt & Pepper to taste
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